Sunday 20 August 2017

Beyond The Ocean of Existence

Created by Loretta Quinn in 1993, the patinated bronze sculpture 'Beyond The Ocean of Existence' was commissioned by the City of Melbourne as part of the Swanston Street redevelopment. The sculpture was located at the corner of Swanston Street and Flinders Lane, Melbourne, but is currently in storage due to the construction of the new Metro Rail project.

Positioned on a granite plinth, several vertically positioned coils surround a large globe base. From this base a smaller globe and pillar emerge and a stylised angel with out-stretched wings stands on top. The smaller globe's surface is covered in coils which then transcends up the pillar taking your view to the angel at the top of the sculpture.

The coils surrounding base of the sculpture look like roots about to unfurl and the ascending coils have the energy of growth and expansion similar to the large established trees nearby.